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In spite of being an afterthought, appended to the script, post scriptum is always an integral part of the script. Post scriptum is often the space for revisions, modifications and alterations of the original script.
Literary discourses are but the reflections of our engagements with the literary works. Being post scriptum in the literary sense – scripted after the script – such discourses sometimes prove themselves to be the rightful appendices of the scripts through revisions, modifications and alterations.
This online journal is just an endeavour to bring to light some such post scriptum discourses.
The interdisciplinary nature of this journal accommodates literary discourses that deal with literary representations which have sprouted from original scripts or, maybe, never had a script so to say. The emergence of nonscriptural literary works is gradually taking us towards a postscriptum era. Being online in publication nature, this journal also strives to capture the essence of this postscriptum era.


postSciptum aims to provide connoisseurs, scholars and academicians a space for publishing popular, research and academic discourses involving several intersects of literary studies.


The interdisciplinary nature of literary studies, in recent times, is evident not only in its incorporation of the socio-cultural idioms in its regular discourses, but also in its acknowledgement of several nonscriptural forms that have emerged in recent times. The scope of postScriptum encompasses the multifaceted socio-cultural aspects reflected through the prism of scriptural and nonscriptural mediums of literature in general.
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